I first heard about KLM Royal Dutch Airlines giving away free luggage tags on Twitter last month, so I had to try it out. Yes, I'm well aware of the fact that I have way more luggage tags than actual luggage, but who can argue with free?
I uploaded a photo that I took of San Francisco's Bay Bridge, filled in the form with my home address, phone number, and e-mail address, and waited for the set of two labels to arrive a few weeks later.
Of course KLM now has my info so since then, I've received some e-mails about fare sales. If you're cagey about giving out your personal info, then these free tags probably aren't worth the spam. Also, I know some people who never write their home address and phone number on these tags. If you prefer to use an office address instead, you can do that as well.
Tips: You'll need one hi-res image, or you can pick from KLM's photo gallery, which includes airplanes (KLM of course), nature (mountains, beaches), and iconic skylines (Paris, Venice, London). The labels will each be printed with the same photo and the same address, and you can only use one name per order. You can also customize a set as a gift, but you'll need your recipient's personal info, including an e-mail address. I'd check with your friend/spouse/relative before giving that out since they'll be the ones receiving the KLM e-mails.
Photo: Amy Chen