Finding travel-size toiletries is now a cinch, thanks to a new beauty site called 3floz.com.
It's like a Sephora but only carries products that fit TSA requirements of 3 oz. or less.
The available products are on the higher end though: for example, The Art of Shaving sells a 1.7-oz. canister of shaving cream for $15, and Malin+Goetz makes a starter kit with 1 oz. bottles of facial cleanser, face moisturizer, body cleanser, body moisturizer, shampoo, and conditioner ($30).
If you search under "sunscreen," only two choices show up so far: the Sunshield Travel Kit ($25) or the Sun Kit ($35). For travel-size suncreen, I usually end up squeezing the amount I need (and the brand I like) into these great GoToob reusable containers.
There are some bargains on 3floz.com: For $7, you can buy a Yes to Carrots set with shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel. If you live in New York City, you can add $9 for courier delivery. Otherwise shipping costs at least $10 for UPS Ground. By the way, many Walgreens and Duane Reade locations carry Yes to Carrots products, so I'd recommend just going to your local pharmacy if you can't justify paying more for shipping than the actual product.
Still, 3floz.com is a fun site with a novel concept if you're short on time and can afford tiny luxuries.
Tip: TravelandLeisure.com's blog Carry On has a promo code "tl10" for 10 percent off all 3floz.com products through Feb. 7.
Photo: 3floz.com
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